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Cider Apple Share

2 bushels of apples for cider (makes about 6 gals).

Large Apple Share

5 boxes of 10 to 12 pounds (4 to 6 people)

Small Apple Share

3 boxes of 10 to 12 pounds (1 to 3 people)

Winter Apple Share

2 boxes of 10 to 12 pounds (1 to 3 people)

Zestar/Minnewashta • A juicy and crisp eating apple from Minnesota.

Cox’s Orange Pippin An orange-red apple that is one of England’s best dessert apples with a fine aroma and complex flavor something like vanilla, pear, and mango.

Belle de Boskoop A crisp, lemony apple with high levels of sugar. From the Netherlands, this is a great baking (and pie!) apple.

Cortland A sweet apple that doesn't brown when cut. Excellent in salads and lunchboxes!

Margil A small apple that feels like velvet. Slight honey flavor.

Macoun A northeastern favorite with floral hints wonderful for fresh eating.

Bramley’s Seedling A juicy, somewhat tangy British fruit with a strong apple flavor. “Melts” when cooked.

Wickson Crab An intense crabapple that is a wonderful for jam and jelly. High in both sugar and acid.

Opalescent Iridescent! Medium to large, crunchy with a hint of strawberry and lilac. Excellent fresh, but cooks and juices well.

Baldwin A crisp eating and cider apple that keeps its shape when baked. Keeps well.

Roxbury Russet This apple sweetens with time, and it is always an excellent baker and cider apple.

Golden Russet An apple with honey-nut flavor that makes good eating and baking, but is excellent in cider.

Arkansas Black An apple with a deep-purple skin and very hard. A favorite in cider.

Blue Pearmain A favorite of Henry David Thoreau, this apple has bluish hues. Dry and crisp flavor that is excellent for baking — though not bad to eat (especially if peeled).

King David A strongly-flavored apple with hints of spice and citrus. Best for pie, sauce, and cider.

Newtown Pippin Queen Victoria was partial to this sweet-tart eating and baking apple. Smells a bit like pine.

These apples are ideal for cider (and definitely not for your lunchbox).

Graniwinkle A cider apple sometimes mixed with Harrison. Very sweet.

Virginia Crab (Hewe’s) A crabapple that was once the mainstay of American cider. Recommended by George Washington, and it tastes a bit like cinnamon.

Herefordshire Redstreak A cider apple first cultivated under Charles I.

Reine des Pommes A traditional French cider apple that blends well with Dabinett. It is high in tannin.

Harrison A prolific, almost perfect cider apple for a single-variety cider.

Bedan des Partes A traditional French bitter-sweet apple for cider blends.

apple blossom

Apple watercolors from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Pomological Watercolor Collection, Rare and Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, MD 20705.